Allan Holdsworth - Against the Clock download song

  • Artist: Allan Holdsworth
  • Song: Against the Clock
  • Genre: Jazz
  • Length: 05:01
  • Size: 7.1MB
  • Bitrate: 192Kbps
Download Allan Holdsworth - Against the Clock

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Zeki Can

2019-10-31 07:34:19 | Profile
Holdsworth always gave these drummer their (too much) space.

Andrea Pompili

2019-07-10 22:45:37 | Profile
beyond any comments , the comment are inside the music , isn-it?

Toca Pelotus

2019-07-06 02:22:40 | Profile
Alan Holdsworth - what on earth is going on with these heavenly arrangements? How does it work? As ever - sharp drumming - dreamy vocal line - angelic guitar phrasing.......

Peter O'Driscoll

2019-07-01 16:49:19 | Profile
Otherworldly vocals. She was just visiting. So was Allan.


2019-07-01 05:23:44 | Profile
Vinnie’s solo pure technical, artistic genius. It literally brings tears to my eyes.


2019-06-20 03:08:08 | Profile
Julie Andrews on vocals. What was Al thinking? Vinnie is a genius but here he sounds like two twats with a paper bag!

Evgeniy Simonov

2019-06-15 13:24:41 | Profile
I like AH but seriously you could string most of his synthaxe songs together into one long song and nobody would really notice the difference.


2019-06-13 02:50:02 | Profile
Man, this is incredibly difficult to sing...


2019-06-12 11:47:15 | Profile
How I wish Vinnie had recorded another album or two with Allan...

RealRedhood 7012

2019-06-11 12:55:17 | Profile
A stellar effort. Rest in peace, Mrs Starr.