April Stevens - I'm In Love Again download song

  • Artist: April Stevens
  • Song: I'm In Love Again
  • Genre: Pop
  • Length: 02:16
  • Size: 3.2MB
  • Bitrate: 192Kbps
  • Date:
  • Upload by: Kirill
Download April Stevens - I'm In Love Again

Top songs April Stevens

# Song Bitrate Length
1 April Stevens - Love Kitten 320 02:14
2 April Stevens - Do It Again 256 02:41
3 April Stevens - I'll Wait For Your Love 320 02:40
4 April Stevens - The Coldest Night Of The Year 320 02:57
5 April Stevens - I'm Making Believe 320 02:18
6 April Stevens - Deep Purple 320 02:39
7 April Stevens - In Other Words 256 02:27


Сергей Крокодил

2020-03-07 07:39:20 | Profile
I think her style of singing is why Marilyn Monroe often gets mixed up with her, like teach me tiger, always gets confused for being a MM song.

grottpojken hassan

2019-07-13 22:08:19 | Profile
This could be a good track for Fallout series.


2019-07-12 03:12:44 | Profile
Just think,when she recorded this I was in three corner pants!!!


2019-07-12 00:20:42 | Profile
She was only 15 when she recorded this - she was born in 1936!!


2019-07-10 06:47:17 | Profile
It’s a shame she didn’t record more in the early 50s. Her singing is top notch here


2019-07-09 21:09:22 | Profile

Lucia Fernandes

2019-07-09 19:27:05 | Profile
April Stevens voice is lovely, but the arrangement of this classic is painfully, PAINFULLY slow and draggy... and, hey, I LIKE slow songs!

Darlene Gary

2019-07-09 18:36:34 | Profile
Some sources have April stevens birthdate as 1929. However if she was 16 when she recorded this song her birthdate would be 1935.


2019-07-07 10:54:49 | Profile
She has a really nice voice.