Bolt Thrower - Granite Wall download song

  • Artist: Bolt Thrower
  • Song: Granite Wall
  • Genre: Metal
  • Length: 04:04
  • Size: 9.5MB
  • Bitrate: 320Kbps
Download Bolt Thrower - Granite Wall

Top songs Bolt Thrower

# Song Bitrate Length
1 Bolt Thrower - The Killchain 192 04:44


Strong Washington

2019-07-04 08:23:33 | Profile
thx for uploading, only song i didnt have from this album!

Tshilidzi Mavhungu

2019-07-02 23:22:40 | Profile
mankind on the brink of extinction

Jessica Monice

2019-06-16 05:23:31 | Profile
This was the song that got me into death metal. Despite that, I never actually listened to Bolt Thrower all that much until now. Great stuff.

Chris Yokel

2019-06-15 14:49:56 | Profile
Those riffs are non-commercial , true death metal


2019-06-15 04:36:16 | Profile
There is no two ways about it . Martin improved this band 100 fold. RIP my man

jose eduardo nunes

2019-06-13 08:22:52 | Profile
I can almost conquered everything while listening to this! /,,/

Frine Varela

2019-06-06 14:01:56 | Profile
would have been easier if you just bought the CD, right? the metalscene! ;-)


2019-06-03 14:15:10 | Profile
Let us all bow our heads to the fallen and the suffered. Our parents, grand parents and beyond. They suffered, strove and bled for all our well being.


2019-06-02 07:01:03 | Profile
I can only see this being sung by angron or khornate berserker

Dżes ika

2019-06-02 01:53:55 | Profile