Buck Owens - Getting Used To Loving You download song

  • Artist: Buck Owens
  • Song: Getting Used To Loving You
  • Genre: Country
  • Length: 02:24
  • Size: 2.8MB
  • Bitrate: 160Kbps
  • Date:
  • Upload by: ser4ton
Download Buck Owens - Getting Used To Loving You

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Julia F

2019-12-15 02:11:53 | Profile
What happened to this sound in country music? Country music today is nothing compared to this country music.


2019-12-08 01:10:43 | Profile
the one and only Buck the best at what he did it is almost like he lived, loved and lost wow what a great artist he was

Максим Микешкин

2019-10-10 01:41:56 | Profile
My stepbrother James turn me on to this. an ole marine from the 60s. when i hear a Buck record today i think of James. R.I.P. brother.

Гунель Коджарова

2019-07-09 05:48:46 | Profile
I am 5 yrs old that time,,year 1965,my grandfa,he use to play this song,, BUCK OWENS long playing record..i love it..

chinaira bailey

2019-07-03 17:18:37 | Profile
way back 1975 when I heard this song I could remember when I was still single


2019-06-22 13:32:39 | Profile
A true country music classic. Perley Curtis does a great job on that song too.


2019-06-15 23:36:38 | Profile
Buck and Don are truly among the best in country music.

Samara Smarzaro

2019-06-15 07:11:27 | Profile
No one will ever sing like Buck and Don. Modern country is CRAP

gregory nordan

2019-06-12 22:16:10 | Profile
His hair is combed, wearing a suit, no big ole earrings big enough to drive a Mack truck thru. And, Im sure he hasnt had any holes in his britches since he was a kid.


2019-06-09 18:09:09 | Profile
Lovely,thanks for Buck Owens,real country

Expert Cinema

2019-06-07 06:11:54 | Profile
Ååå so lovy country i love that


2019-06-02 09:08:51 | Profile
i love everyone of his songs he had a beautiful voice