Disturbed - Save Our Last Goodbye download song

  • Artist: Disturbed
  • Song: Save Our Last Goodbye
  • Genre: Metal
  • Length: 05:00
  • Size: 11.7MB
  • Bitrate: 320Kbps
Download Disturbed - Save Our Last Goodbye

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Mariano Cordera

2022-07-07 00:04:03 | Profile
I lost my dad while I was on the plane to see him 6 months before my first daughter was born..This song is awesome, I love it


2022-05-06 07:03:00 | Profile
Reminds me of my friend who passed away in an accident May 29, 2019. Miss her so much. This song got me through the grieving process. I love Disturbed so much for it, and Jodie, I miss you, girl. This song made me realize I will see you on the other side.

Jake C.

2022-03-20 18:41:24 | Profile
Best song off the album for me. Love Disturbed


2021-10-01 15:27:33 | Profile
this reality makes me bloodthirsty and wish for the end.

Metalhead Lazz

2021-09-01 02:01:39 | Profile
For Frannie... We love you man and we miss you so much

huy bv1998

2021-08-02 02:54:49 | Profile
This songs hits so close to home. Lost my sister to cancer. Too young.

Mary Noveloso

2021-07-31 01:33:28 | Profile
why younever say good bye it can all turn around in one night and you will never know when your last good bye is thinking about this makes me tear up

gimmieah beer

2021-07-24 11:21:12 | Profile
Nope not going to you tricked me. Machine elves hate humans, nature seems to hate humans, A.I seem to hate humans, everything seems to hate humans. Fuck you not risk becoming one of you sad creeps and to think I felt fucking sad for you


2021-06-20 00:35:57 | Profile
Okay, why the fuck did I get an ad for a kids show on this? How is this "advertiser friendly"????


2021-05-28 08:01:50 | Profile
i dedicate this song to my wife i lost 3 years ago today! (Disturbed is more than just music, Disturbed leaves a message in your soul!

derek eisenman

2021-05-19 16:31:23 | Profile
Beware them simple procedures. I went in for one while at the hospital for other things and as the anesthesiologist was knocking me out I asked for a little extra since you can never really sleep in a hospital. Next thing I know, I’m waking up and it seems like I have air tube, and at some point I recently had an IV plugged into both feet, one calf, both wrists and an elbow joint. They came in and pulled the tube and told me I’m in ICU and had a really bad asthmatic reaction to the anesthesia and I scared all them docs a lot.

Yaqub Yaqubzade

2021-03-26 01:02:55 | Profile
My father is going in for an operation on the morrow. Pray for him. Please.

rajka rajka

2021-02-25 05:56:18 | Profile
i just found out my 34 year old mom likes disturbedwoahspeaking of, she introduced me to this song

Crystall Beamer

2020-12-25 22:20:36 | Profile
I have a love hate relationship with this song. I have a hard time listening to this song because of the introduction. The words “hey just calling you back” sound exactly like my dad on the phone. It’s so close to his voice that the first time I heard this song I actually thought I missed a phone call. While the rest of the intro doesn’t sound much like him, it was close enough to scare me. While he has not had any major health issues, this song brings up the inevitable. One day, I will most likely receive a phone call informing me that my dad has passed away. The thought that there will be a day where my father is no longer around scares the shit out of me. It is not something that I am prepared to handle and there is no way to prepare for it. I know this will just get lost in the comments but I had to get this off my chest somehow.