Dog Fashion Disco - Magical Band of Fools download song

  • Artist: Dog Fashion Disco
  • Song: Magical Band of Fools
  • Genre: Metal
  • Length: 03:29
  • Size: 8.2MB
  • Bitrate: 320Kbps
Download Dog Fashion Disco - Magical Band of Fools

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2021-07-19 23:15:45 | Profile
The 20k views are my


2021-03-12 21:53:15 | Profile
What kind of female dog stuff is this all about? Lol.


2021-03-07 18:00:13 | Profile
What the fuck is this shit!?!? I have found out this album/band today and I am going crazy with such a HOLLLLLY MOTHERFUCKER SONG!

tiaguinho Otaku

2020-12-26 23:45:47 | Profile
Goddamn they used to be great.

Андрей Толстов

2020-11-28 14:54:33 | Profile
Exactly....its such a good song, share it damn you, SHARE IT TO THE WORLD!!!!!

Лео Леон

2020-10-04 13:01:20 | Profile
This is the best band in the world besides AC DC and gwar and queen!!!!!!!!!!!

Azure Kate

2020-09-25 00:41:49 | Profile
love this mother fucking shit man

spoiled milk

2020-08-27 05:51:44 | Profile
11 people are a horrific dirge ringing in my ear


2020-06-21 12:50:27 | Profile
Damn straight, though there record label that they were on fucking got rid of all my Pdot shit...