Morning Glory - Born to December download song

  • Artist: Morning Glory
  • Song: Born to December
  • Genre: Punk
  • Length: 06:20
  • Size: 7.4MB
  • Bitrate: 160Kbps
Download Morning Glory - Born to December

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Jim Bordner

2021-01-15 11:44:03 | Profile
Hippies and Crusties are one in the same just diff outfits and the same attitude towards things.


2020-11-30 07:48:04 | Profile
you can only sing about cops for so long, MG LOC INDK basically created that category, he is an amazing musician and very talented writer, If you watch the video it basically is about the scene itself, the times are a changing

Edival silva

2020-09-22 19:21:38 | Profile
I didnt hate the song at first, the song made me get kinda depressed from the emotion but its a great song. I actually like their new poppy sound, IMO works really well for the band.

Teomanas Abramovas

2020-09-14 21:16:41 | Profile
that jam at the end gets me. this songs awesome it makes me think about the past..

Johnny Grunas

2020-06-22 00:54:17 | Profile
The outro sounds like Supernothing by Catch 22.