Randy Edelman - To The Stars download song

  • Artist: Randy Edelman
  • Song: To The Stars
  • Genre: Films
  • Length: 03:17
  • Size: 6.2MB
  • Bitrate: 256Kbps
Download Randy Edelman - To The Stars

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Andre .J-B

2020-02-07 00:13:19 | Profile
Man this is one of those tearjerkers

Алексей Мороз

2019-08-25 18:48:07 | Profile
DragonHeart is so dear to my heart

Ghany Rabbani

2019-07-11 12:21:11 | Profile
To the stars.. all I luv and Draco too....

Mary Hecht

2019-07-08 09:51:44 | Profile
Eventually the great Sean Connery will pass. I feel this song would honor him greatly for his funeral.

ddl lovatics

2019-07-06 10:17:42 | Profile
I was 6 when I watched this movie and the scene made me cry.


2019-05-10 15:36:20 | Profile
When my dog died when I was younger I used to imagine him going up to the stars like in the ending of the film and it still reminds me of him to this day

Andre .J-B

2019-05-05 06:21:56 | Profile
I swear this is in tropic thunder.