Stereolab - Perversion download song

  • Artist: Stereolab
  • Song: Perversion
  • Genre: Alternative
  • Length: 05:01
  • Size: 5.9MB
  • Bitrate: 160Kbps
Download Stereolab - Perversion

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Hashim Munir

2019-07-09 16:20:44 | Profile
A lovely homage to The Velvet Underground. Sounds like they’d been listening to What Goes On, live 1969 version. This is superb. Play it loud!


2019-05-29 20:04:23 | Profile
One of the few songs i had on tape deck in my first car. So many memories of cranking it on the way to uni weaving through traffic in my mazda121 as teenager. good times

Federica Dicanio

2019-05-23 05:36:25 | Profile
Full on diamond track ...


2019-05-23 00:48:23 | Profile
Fresh bong of some Death Star here, goes very nicely!

seth boyd

2019-05-06 20:28:03 | Profile
Her vocals remind me of shoegaze on this track

kanaru (konopla4)

2019-04-21 07:13:04 | Profile
shit! sounds a whole deal betta than the horrid cacophony and residue of a yestayear now & from this point onward rendered and realised as little other than invalid and of none effect.