Steve Hackett - The Steppes download song

  • Artist: Steve Hackett
  • Song: The Steppes
  • Genre: Prog-rock
  • Length: 06:07
  • Size: 11.5MB
  • Bitrate: 256Kbps
Download Steve Hackett - The Steppes

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2020-01-10 22:20:58 | Profile
where was i during all these years i only listened to voyage of the acolyte but this is amazing as well

Gavy Schuster

2019-11-23 23:33:35 | Profile
Very Unusual music. One of a kind. Head music too a tee...... Thanks Steve, and your brother is a awesome on the flute .........


2019-09-18 07:32:44 | Profile
Steve had some pretty incredible guitar tones back then

Gaetano Abruzzo

2019-06-22 12:47:56 | Profile
Since Steve Left GENESIS and a bit before with Acholyte....Steve is that vital active, continuous 45 year link to the old Genesis.

oo na na

2019-06-19 22:22:02 | Profile
This probably gave Gary Numan a boner.

Enmanuel Rivera

2019-06-04 03:07:59 | Profile
This still gives me goose pimples even after all these years.........

unicorn rainbow

2019-06-02 13:41:22 | Profile
I want that outtro to go on much longer