The Poni-Tails - Born Too Late download song

  • Artist: The Poni-Tails
  • Song: Born Too Late
  • Genre: Rnb
  • Length: 02:21
  • Size: 4.4MB
  • Bitrate: 256Kbps
Download The Poni-Tails - Born Too Late


mojo hojo

2020-03-09 01:06:25 | Profile
I was born in 1958 the same year as this release and it was another 12 years before I discovered the girls groups and the wonderful harmonies they sang .

Rex Ronaldo

2019-12-31 22:24:47 | Profile
The 50s sigh

Алина Васильева

2019-08-02 00:13:43 | Profile
This what all of the snowflakes sing today. Sorry for youall, you missed it.


2019-07-31 12:04:29 | Profile
If the older one would travel at a speed close to the speed of light the age difference problem would be solved.

Rick Amorin

2019-07-11 21:31:03 | Profile
I wish this style of music would come back..... I was "Born too late" to enjoy this era.

Debbie M

2019-07-01 09:36:00 | Profile
15 years old and i enjoy these, my friends think im crazy but oh well


2019-06-30 06:44:28 | Profile
And 6 years later the Beatles came and changed everything For the worse


2019-06-28 03:00:29 | Profile
i am 47,and i wish i have lived in that era

Canal da byana

2019-06-19 17:47:22 | Profile
I was definitely born too late

Daniel Mateus

2019-06-03 21:46:06 | Profile
"You walk into a NAAFI for the very first time, and this on the Duke-Box/ Wow!!"

Алла Богданович

2019-05-19 07:45:37 | Profile
I really fancied my bosses colleague. He was beautiful, 15 years older than me & I didn’t stand a chance. Used to think about this song every time I’d see him. After 2 years he asked me out on a date, this September will be out 36th wedding anniversary

Ana Živanović

2019-05-18 13:32:42 | Profile
This is such a beautiful songs. Iloveit❤-2019 peeps?