Varials - God Talk download song

  • Artist: Varials
  • Song: God Talk
  • Genre: Metal
  • Length: 03:40
  • Size: 6.9MB
  • Bitrate: 256Kbps
Download Varials - God Talk

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Nick Golding

2020-10-06 01:26:26 | Profile
liek this if you cry evertim

Marko ;-;

2019-12-18 06:04:52 | Profile
yo is it me or does this vocalist sound just like the liferuiner singer on nightlife album in 2009??????

Kimber Ly

2019-12-01 02:36:18 | Profile
Need to get this album

Mette Høstrup

2019-07-01 05:41:27 | Profile
This heavy at 2 times the speed

Yashua Amen

2019-06-18 09:20:36 | Profile
Woah! Is that Chad Ruhlig on guest vox at the end?

Гульнур Адилова

2019-06-08 08:52:32 | Profile
Really because caring about something makes them sjws?


2019-05-17 06:50:49 | Profile
Why is everyone talking about sjws I see no correlation of that and this song

Rob Verkest

2019-05-13 17:54:21 | Profile
Anything to Numb in the end?

Biggie Mafia

2019-05-03 12:38:40 | Profile
that breakdown tho holy fuck makes me want to destroy my ex in a mosh


2019-04-17 15:03:59 | Profile
Momma and daddy didnt buy me an infinity for my birthday