I didn’t think about this until today, and The Godfather is one of my favorite films. Consider the scene when this plays: Tom Hagen flies to convince Jack Woltz to give Fontane the film role. Now think of this in the context of real-life inspirations: who was the inspiration for Fontane? Sinatra. Who is the inspiration for the bandleader in the story Woltz heard? Tommy Dorsey. Of course, what recording is playing as Hagen lands? This one by Dorsey.It suggests the use of this music in the film was very intentional. It also suggests - to me, anyway - something sinister in its usage. One can imagine Hagen hearing this tune in his head as he’s landing, thinking about how the family got what it wanted from “the bandleader” all those years ago, and how they will get what they want again now when Woltz is persuaded. Because the family gets what it wants.